With the increasing lack of available hardware and software support for Data General’s proprietary operating system, AOS/VS, businesses using this platform have become understandably concerned about the longevity of their Data General INFOS applications and data files. In addition to this concern, the inherent drawbacks in using an older, unsupported product, such as the significant downtime caused by the deficiencies in INFOS checkpointing and system recovery, has caused many businesses to consider the benefits of moving to a more widely-supported platform in order to use a more feature-rich, robust data manager. Unfortunately, the cost of a rewrite for businesses heavily invested in their INFOS-based applications is usually prohibitive. For businesses looking for a better alternative, Datatek has the solution.
By migrating to a more current platform and replacing the INFOS data manager with Datatek’s Transaction-Based Access Method (TBAM) data manager, your company can retain the investment made in its applications while obtaining the benefits of a more up-to-date system. TBAM supports full INFOS functionality, as well as new features, such as transactions and hands-off recovery. With TBAM, there are no longer costly checkpointing or recovery delays. Additionally, a COBOL precompiler is included with the TBAM product, allowing programmers to continue using the Data General COBOL INFOS statements with which they are familiar. TBAM also supports the INFOS library calls that were available for use with other Data General languages. As part of the migration, Datatek utilities are used to load the INFOS data into the corresponding TBAM databases.
With an INFOS to TBAM migration, your company can realize the advantages and cost benefits of Open Systems today.
For over 25 years, Datatek has used its suite of products and tools to quickly and cost-effectively move businesses’ INFOS applications and databases to Open Systems. With an INFOS to TBAM migration, your company can realize the advantages and cost benefits of Open Systems today.
Data General is now a division of EMC Corporation.
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