With the increasing lack of available hardware and software support for Data General’s proprietary operating system, AOS/VS, businesses have become understandably concerned about the longevity of their Data General DG/SQL applications and data. Migrating to another relational database system incurs the risk of losing some of the benefits/features that they have become accustomed to using DG/SQL. Off-the-shelf packages typically require extensive (and costly) customization to meet business specific requirements and end users require retraining. For businesses looking for a better alternative, Datatek has the solution.
By migrating to a more current platform and replacing the DG/SQL data manager with Datatek/SQL, a ported version of Data General’s DG/SQL that has the same user interface and database format levels, your company can retain the investment made in its applications while obtaining the benefits of a more up-to-date system. Using Datatek’s suite of products and tools, Datatek can quickly and cost-effectively move applications and data to Open Systems and load DG/SQL data into Datatek/SQL databases. Users will not require retraining and programmers will not have to learn a new language, data model, and data format. In other words, businesses will retain the investment made in their original application. With Datatek/SQL, you can realize the cost benefits of Open Systems today.
Datatek can quickly and cost-effectively move applications and data to Open Systems and load DG/SQL data into Datatek/SQL databases.
Data General is now a division of EMC Corporation.
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